What’s in your Common Household Chemicals?
As you work on improving the quality of the air in your indoor environment, be sure to utilize an excellent website from the United States Department of Health and Human Services called the Household...
View ArticleWhat’s in Blown in Cellulose Insulation
Due to several current projects I have encountered I believe it’s important to touch on a couple of issues that every homeowner should be aware of to protect their home and their health. Cellulose...
View ArticlePollutants in your Home
Indoor air quality is often characterized by pollutants in the air. Clearly, if the sources of pollutants are minimized, the air will be easier to keep fresh, clean and healthy. In order to determine...
View ArticleSpray Foam and Your House
As the season approaches where many energy or weatherization companies want to reduce your homes energy consumption there are several issues you should consider before you spray foam your house. Even...
View ArticleWhat My Couch is Toxic???
Over half of couches in homes have potentially toxic or chemical flame retardants, according to a study published in the Environmental Science & Technology journal. The companies manufacturing...
View ArticleSchools and Carbon Monoxide
As the weather becomes colder, the threat of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning greatly increases. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, about 170 people die each year in the United States...
View ArticleEnergy Audits, Energy Consumption and Air Quality
This time of year there are alot of companies wanting to do energy audits on your home and reduce your energy consumption. But there is a balance between energy consumption and air quality. TP...
View ArticleJanuary is National Radon Month
Do you know the radon levels in your home….workplace…childrens school….daycare?? Testing is the only way to find out your levels. Did you know that all residential rentals in Maine have to be tested...
View ArticleIs Your Water Exploding….it could contain Methane Gas
Methane gas, which is usually located thousands of feet below the water table, appears to be entering the water wells either through cracks in the bedrock or, more likely, the casing in natural gas...
View ArticleMethamphetamine a growing concern
What is known regarding Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories: •Based on sampling conducted by National Jewish Medical and Research Center and others at actual clandestine laboratories and...
View ArticleWhy Spray Foam Fails…a must read
Before you install spray foam in your home….your castle….read what industry is saying. http://www.foursevenfive.com/blog/2012/12/why-foam-fails-reason-1-dangerous-toxic-ingredients/
View ArticleVentilation and Indoor Air Quality
So you’ve sealed and insulated your home for maximum energy efficiency. That’s great. But have you paid attention to your ventilation? Without a healthy exchange of air, your indoor air quality will...
View ArticleGreen Living in your Home and Life
It’s now easier than ever for homeowners to transform their homes into models of green living thanks to the growing availability of affordable, energy-smart building products and materials. From...
View ArticleRadon Myths and Truths
Myth: Scientists are not sure that radon really is a problem. FACT: Although some scientists dispute the precise number of deaths due to radon, all the major health organizations (like the Centers for...
View ArticleIs there Soot in your Home?
Soot on your walls indicates a problem somewhere in your house, and you often don’t notice soot until it’s become a huge problem. Most often, you move a picture on the wall and notice the telltale...
View ArticleCarbon Dioxide in your Office
Carbon dioxide is a villain in the climate change narrative, but coal plants and factories aren’t the only places that produce it. Humans generate CO2 too, just from breathing. And in certain...
View ArticleIndoor Air Quality and Weatherization
If your looking at having an energy audit or weatherization project for your home here are a few questions to ask…. 1. Will I need an air exchanger system to overcome the sealing from the...
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